
Showing posts from 2008

The SQLSERVERAGENT Service On Local Computer started and then Stopped.Some Services Stop Automatically if they have no work to do.

I got this error while i am trying to start the SQLSERVERAGENT( SQLSERVER 2000 )from services(services.msc).If i right Click and trying to start the service i am getting this error. Solution for this is : Go to Properties of SQLServerAgent->Connections->Check SQL ServerAuthentication->Choose Logins from dropdownlist and he should be the member of sysadmin role.Click Ok. Then SQL Server Agent will start

Derived Query - GROUP BY

Here i am writing about derived query when we can use, and why I am writing a query which gives me results as Total Emails went to one particular Person(Here we can consider FirstName,LastName) And i am going to get these requirement by using GROUP BY Normally we have to use all columns whatever we mentioned in the SELECT statement.We have to mention all the columns in GROUP BY also. But i want to get the result using FirstName,LastName in GROUP BY. But it is not possible if you have many columns along with FirstName and LastName in Select Query.We have to give all the columnnames. But by using DerivedQuery we can use this Find below Query. SELECT Y.*,X.cnt FROM ( select count(1) cnt, ISnull(Table2.FirstName,'') as FirstName ,isnull(Table2.LastName,'') AS LastName FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.emailID = Table2.EmailID LEFT OUTER JOIN Table3 AS Table3 ON Table1.EmailID=Table3.EmaiID WHERE 1=1 GROUP BY ISnull(Table2.FirstName,'') ,i


STUFF (character expression, start, length, character expression) Eg: SELECT STUFF('ABCDEF', 2, 3, 'JKLMN') ResultSet AJKLMNEF What this STUFF Function will do is 1)Checks First two characters in the Character Expression(‘ABCDEF’) 2)Those two characters are BC in the Character Expression. 3)This starts count from B to D (Total Count 3) 4)So it removes BCD and Place JKLMN in that place. 5)So result set appears as AJKLMNEF REPLACE: REPLACE will also do the same with the Different way. REPLACE (string_expression1, string_expression2, string_expression3) Eg: SELECT REPLACE('ABCDEF','BCD','JKLMN') ResultSet: AJKLMNEF The way REPLACE Works is: 1)First it checks for the BCD in ABCDEF 2)And Remove BCD and Place JKLMN in the place of BCD 3)So output look like as AJKLMNEF

Schema Information Could not be retrieved because of the Following Error: "Lock request time out period Exceed"

I am getting this error while i am working with TeamFoundationSystem for Database Professionals.I am using this tool comparing schema Database to DatabaseProject. And i troubleshooted this problem if i click on Ques in Service Broker. So i ran SP_WHO command in that particular database. and find the blk column and KILL the session id.

Which schema is used in Which Object

--To find out which database schemas(dbo.data_reader,data_writer,lhi\ramesh) are used in which object We can find out that by running this query. SELECT SS.NAME,SO.NAME as ObjectName,SO.Type,SO.SCHEMA_ID FROM SYS.OBJECTS SO INNER JOIN SYS.SCHEMAS SS ON SO.SCHEMA_ID=SS.SCHEMA_ID WHERE SS.Name LIKE 'dbo' ORDER BY Type

Error MSB4018: The "SqlBuildTask" task failed unexpectedly.

While i am working with Team Foundationt System For Database Professionals 2008. By the time of building the Datbase Project i got this Error. Solution is restarting VS IDE.


This is a small example to understand the behaviour of SET ANSI_WARININGS option. ----Here SET ANSI_WARNINGS is ON SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM SYS.OBJECTS WHERE TYPE='U' AND [Name]='AnsiWarningsOn') BEGIN DROP TABLE AnsiWarningsOn END CREATE TABLE AnsiWarningsOn ([Name] VARCHAR(2)) INSERT INTO AnsiWarningsOn VALUES('Ramesh Mamillapalli') -----SET ANSI_WARNINGS is OFF SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM SYS.OBJECTS WHERE TYPE='U' AND [Name]='AnsiWarningsOn') BEGIN DROP TABLE AnsiWarningsOn END CREATE TABLE AnsiWarningsOn ([Name] VARCHAR(2)) INSERT INTO AnsiWarningsOn VALUES('Ramesh Mamillapalli') SELECT * FROM AnsiWarningsOn




USE master GO BACKUP DATABASE NorthWind TO DISK=N'D:\NorthwindBackup.BAK' WITH NAME=N'Northwind Database Full Backup',DESCRIPTION='Starting Point for Recovery',INIT,STATS=10

Adding DEFAULT Constraint For Existing Column in Table

CREATE TABLE tester (dates datetime) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].tester ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__AccountMe__Creat__4D4A6AA9pppp] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR dates

TimeOut Error

Timeout error occures when Comparing Large Databases with Databse Project while working with Team Foundation System For Database Professionals .If you receive a timeout error when you compare the schemas of large databases, you might need to increase the timeout value. This option is not exposed through the user interface. You must modify the QueryTimeoutSeconds value that is stored in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\DBPro\Databaseand specified in seconds. By default, the timeout is 60 seconds. Source:

Restore BackUp Script.

--Restore filelistonly gives infromation of .mdf andl .ldf logical filesnames. RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = 'D:\DatabaseName.BAK' GO RESTORE DATABASE DatabaseName FROM DISK = 'D:\DatabaseName.BAK' WITH MOVE 'Database_Data' TO 'C:\DatabaseName_Data.mdf', MOVE 'DatabaseName_Log' TO 'E:\DatabaseName_Log.ldf' Some times we may get this while running the above script Msg 3183, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 RESTORE detected an error on page (0:0) in database "DatabaseName" as read from the backup set. Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally. The reason for this is database is not completely backed up.For that we have to check the status of .BAK File .So First run these commands. RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM DISK = 'GivePathHere\Name.BAK' RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = 'GivePathHere\Name.BAK' The below query will tell us who is restoring database, when the database restoration p

ColumName DataType Not Straightly Mentioned in the Table.

Some times we can create table without mentioning column data type straightly. For eg: o CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Customer] ( [CustomerID] [int] NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1), [CustomerName] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL, [CreditLine] [smallmoney] NULL, [OutStandingBalance] [smallmoney] NULL, [AvailableCredit] AS ([CreditLine]-[OutStandingBalance]), [CreationDate] [datetime] NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] Here if we observe AvailableCredit datatype is not mentioned. But in the alias the result it takes as smallmoney.

To find out the DML,DDL Events

As a DBA sometimes we should able to trace out the activities of users whoever are connecting to Database Servers. If any developer could make changes to objects like He can create Objects like (Stored Procedures,Views,Triggers) as well as he can drop procedures, views and triggers. As a DBA We should suppose to track all these DML,DDL Events. And we can find out those activities using these. First Step: Check whether your server properties. Select * from sys.configurations where configuration_id = 1568 Second Step: If we run this below we can get the particular trace or all existing traces. SELECT * FROM ::FN_TRACE_GETINFO(0) GO select * from ::fn_trace_getinfo(null) go select * from ::fn_trace_getinfo(DEFAULT) In the result we can find the path of the trace file. Third Step: We can run this query and find the trace events. This sys.trace_events catalogue view contains a list of all sql server events. These trace events do not change for a given permission of the Mic

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'.

This error will come if we are trying write any queries(Distributed Queries) using Linked Servers. Linked server will create such a way using Security Context (RightClick on Linked Servers -> Properties->Be made using this Security Context).If this is the scenario If we run query we get the above error Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'. But you can access the same server Manually with Management Studio. But if you write query using Linked Server You may get this Error. So Ensure that after creating Linkeserver check this Linked server by using Query. Eg:SELECT * FROM LinkedServerName.master.dbo.sysobjects To avoid this error change security context one way is" Be made using this Security Context " TO " Be made without using a Security Context " And Sometimes you get the permission from that(remote system)sysadmin.

Msg 15247, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSaddserver_internal, Line 36

Some of the Security Issues at Sqlserver 2005: I have connected to another sqlserver2005 (Eg: sysravi\sqlexpress) with my Windows credentials (sysramesh\sqlexpress)(username\instance name) through Windows Authentication. Not with the SQLServer Authentication. In that server I have tried to create linked server and also tried to Create the Database. And no issue with the Linked server script But I am getting the error saying that : Msg 15247, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSaddserver_internal, Line 36 Solution: I made changes in that server (sysravi\sqlexpress) Security ->Login->BUILTIN\Administrators So in the BUILTIN\Administrators Properties ->Server Roles-> Click on SysAdmin Check Box. So you will get the privileges of SysAdmin. Now you can able to create the Linked Server as well as Databases.


Contains the Categories used by SQL Server Management studio to organize jobs,alerts,and operators this table is stored in the msdb Database USE msdb go SELECT Category_ID,Category_Class,CategoryClassDescription=CASE WHEN Category_Class=1 then 'job' WHEN Category_Class=2 then'Alert' WHEN Category_Class=3 THEN 'Operator'END, Category_Type,CategoryTypeDescription=CASE WHEN Category_Type=1 THEN 'Local' WHEN Category_Type=2 THEN 'MultiServer' WHEN Category_Type=3 THEN 'None'END,[Name] FROM SYSCATEGORIES ORDER BY Category_id

Cursor Vs IF and While

Here i am writing a query which gives the all the databases from sys.databases I have written this query using Cursor and While Loops --- Using Cursor DECLARE MyCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT [Name]FROM SYS.DATABASES OPEN MyCursor FETCH NEXT FROM MyCursor WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS =0 FETCH NEXT FROM MyCursor CLOSE MyCursor DEALLOCATE MyCursor --- Using While Loop DECLARE @Databases sysname DECLARE @Count INT SET @Count= (SELECT COUNT (*)FROM SYS.DATABASES) --PRINT @Count IF @Count > 0 BEGIN WHILE(@Count>0) BEGIN WITH CTE AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER()OVER (ORDER BY([Name]))as RowNumber,[Name] FROM SYS.DATABASES ) SELECT @Databases=[Name] FROM CTE WHERE RowNumber=@Count SET @Count=@Count-1 SELECT @Databases as Databases END END go

Stopping Database Deletion at Serer Level Using Trigger.

--This Trigger(DDL Triggger.Created at Server Level)stops deleting Database unexpectedly. CREATE TRIGGER DontDeleteDatabase ON ALL SERVER AFTER DROP_DATABASE AS BEGIN PRINT 'Are You sure you want to Delete this Database.To do so, Please disable the trigger and Try.' ROLLBACK----This is very important if we forgot this.Databse will drop instantly. END

Find out which Authentication it is

----How can we findout Is Authentication is Mixed or Windows.If it is 1 then it is Windows Authentication else "Mixed Authentication" SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('IsIntegratedSecurityOnly')


Executes the specified pass-through query on the specified linked server.This server is an OLE DB data source. OPENQUERY can be referenced in the FROM clause of a query as if it were a table name. OPENQUERY can also be referenced as the target table of an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. This is subject to the capabilities of the OLE DB provider. Although the query may return multiple result sets, OPENQUERY returns only the first one. For Eg: SELECT TOP 1* FROM OPENQUERY(TAW,'SELECT Column1,Column2 FROM DatabaseName.dbo.TableName') Before running this query linked server has to becreated in the source server.Here 'TAW' is linkedserver name. And most important thing is if we want to execute the stored procedure which is in other server we need to use OPENQUERY compulsorily.

To know the permissions on the procedure.

---To know the permissions on the procedure. SELECT PERM.[Type],PERM.Permission_name FROM SYS.DATABASE_PERMISSIONS as PERM JOIN SYS.OBJECTS AS SO ON PERM.MAJOR_ID=SO.[OBJECT_ID] WHERE SO.[Name] like 'ProcedureName'

Build List Which Decides Service Packs.

Source From :

How to Read SQL Server 2005 Version(How to Know Which Service Pack Installed)

----In SQL Server 2005 SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as Version, SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel') AS ServicePack, SERVERPROPERTY ('edition') as Edition GO The results are:• The product version (for example, "9.00.1399.06"). • The product level (for example, "RTM"). • The edition (for example, "Enterprise Edition"). GO SELECT @@VERSION GO USE master GO XP_MSVER ---Another way knowing service pack is by build number: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00 Here '3042' is bulid number.And this is having SP2. Another example is Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3215.00 Here build number is '3215'.This is greater than 3042 build number so this is service pack 2. For Build details we can go see :;en-q321185

Changing The Name of the Server.

-----Changing the Name of the Server.But it wont Drop the Server. SP_DROPSERVER 'BHI-207\SQLEXPRESS'--Present serverName GO SP_ADDSERVER 'RAMESH MAMILLAPALLI',LOCAL--After running the Query Stop and Restart the Services. GO SELECT @@SERVERNAME


----We can give definitions for tables. EXEC SP_ADDEXTENDEDPROPERTY @name = N'MS_Description', @value = N'This Table is Telling about Emplyee Information.And also Employer', @level0type = N'SCHEMA', @level0name = dbo, @level1type = N'TABLE', @level1name = EmployeeTable; And also we can do the same thing in Table->RightClick->Properties->Extended Properties.


Adds a backup device to an Instance of the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database Engine. SP_ADDUMPDEVICE @devtype='disk', @logicalName='AnyUserDefinedName', @PhysicalName='E:\TP0001122.BAK'—Path of BackUp file where it is existing. GO SELECT * FROM SYS.BACKUP_DEVICES


Both Procedures wil give the information about roles(groups) and Users(Members) in the Database. SP_HELPROLE: EXEC SP_HELPROLE @rolename='db_owner' --OR EXEC SP_HELPROLE Gives the information about roles in the Datbase SP_HELPGROUP: EXEC SP_HELPGROUP @grpname='db_owner' --OR EXEC SP_HELPGROUP Gives the Results about which user under which group. SP_HELPROLEMEMBER: EXEC SP_HELPROLEMEMBER @rolename='db_owner' --OR EXEC SP_HELPROLEMEMBER Gives the results members of a role.


We can find Object Dependencies on three ways. Means Which Procedure is Dependent on Which Table, Procedure, Which trigger is dependent on which Table. These things we can findout in three Ways. 1) SP_DEPENDS 2) SYS.SQL_DEPENDENCIES 3) SYS.SYSDEPENDS Go through the below example: CREATE PROCEDURE IndependentProc AS SELECT * FROM SYS.OBJECTS—You can create any table here and give the name. GO CREATE PROC DepedentProc AS EXEC IndependentProc Check the results by using above system catalogue views and procedures SP_DEPENDS 1) SP_DEPENDS IndependentProc 2) SP_DEPENDS DepedentProc SYS.SQL_DEPENDENCIES: SELECT * FROM SYS.SQL_DEPENDENCIES WHERE OBJECT_ID=210099789 –Give Here DepedentProc ID Note:If you have Drop dependent stored procedure.Then the above query does not give you any result. SYS.SYSDEPENDS: SELECT OBJECT_NAME(ID) as DependentObject,OBJECT_NAME(DEPID) as IndependentObject FROM SYS.SYSDEPENDS WHERE ID=210099789 Note:There maybe so many dependent objects.So


------------------sp_addlinkedserver------------------- EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server='Ramesh', ---This is UserDefined Name @srvproduct='', @provider='SQLNCLI', --That means this is SQL Server @datasrc='S1\instance1'--ServerName or InstanceName and the Want to give username password give these thi server sqlserver user name and password. ------ Some times we need to create linked servers to access .csv files in the system for that we need to create below script. --This linked server will access the files of .csv which are in E drive and in Temp Folder. EXEC SP_ADDLINKEDSERVER RAWFILE, 'Jet 4.0' , 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' , 'E:\TEMP\' , NULL , 'Text' GO SELECT * FROM RAWFILE...SOSWTFcutdown#csv

ROW_NUMBER function

ROW_NUMBER is a function which returns the ''sequential number of a row" from the Result set. As well as How many times that particular row has been repeated. CREATE TABLE #Temp (SNO INT,[Name] VARCHAR(25)) ---This value has entered 5 times INSERT INTO #Temp (SNo,[Name]) VALUES(1,'Ramesh') GO -----This value entered has 3 times INSERT INTO #Temp (SNo,[Name]) VALUES(2,'Jagan') GO -----------This value entered has 3 times INSERT INTO #Temp (SNo,[Name]) VALUES(3,'Mohan') go SELECT * FROM #Temp GO SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY SNo ORDER BY [Name]DESC) FROM #Temp ROW_NUMBER function will tell us how many times that particular row has been repeated. If it shows last value as 5.That means that particular row is repeated 4 times. If we want to give sequential number to values we can make small change in the Query. Eg: CREATE TABLE rows ([Name] VARCHAR(20)) GO INSERT INTO rows ([Name]) VALUES('Mahesh') GO INSERT INTO rows ([Name]) VALUES(&#

How many Users are connected to the Server

----To findout how many users are connected to server USE master GO SELECT DISTINCT SYSLOGINS.LoginName,SYSLOGINS.DBName,@@SERVERNAME AS 'ServerName' FROM SYSPROTECTS,SYSLOGINS WHERE SYSADMIN=1

Minimize the Logspace in The Database and The Backup Of Log

Some times we can get the error as "The log file for database 'DatabaseName' is full. Backup the transaction log for the database to free up some log space". If the Log size is increasing in The Database we can use the Below syntax to reduce. This log size USE DatabaseName BACKUP DatabaseName WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY ---Check SELECT * FROM SYSFILES DBCC SHRINKFILE(LogFileName ) ---To find out the usage of logspace DBCC SQLPERF(LOGSPACE) And also used SP_SPACEUSED '.mdf file' --------------- USE master GO DBCC SQLPERF(LOGSPACE) --To know about the Database LogFile DUMP TRAN DatabaseName WITH NO_LOG-- GO USE DatabaseName SP_HELPFILE GO DBCC SHRINKFILE ('LogFileName') ---The below link will discuss about that minimizing log space --Some times  even shrink log is not working. In that time even this is not possible.  use ToPS go alter database ToPS  set recovery simple go ch

My first blog entry

my first blog