
Showing posts from August, 2019

Uninstalling sql server through command prompt

We can run the below command to uninstall sql server instances from command prompt. After you run the below command pop up will will appear and it will redirect you to wizard where you need to choose those features for uninstalling.

Installing SQL Server with Powershell

This original script written by Niall Brady, i just changed this script according my requirement <# # Installs SQL Server 2017, 2018/4/5 Niall Brady, # # This script:             Installs SQL Server 2017, CU5, SSMS and RS # Before running:          Edit the variables as necessary (lines 17-79). Copy the SQL Service Management Studio (SSMS-Setup-ENU.exe) and Reporting Services (SQLServerReportingServices.exe) files to $folderpath\ in advance if you don't want the script to download the exe's # Usage:                   Run this script on the ConfigMgr Primary Server as a user with local Administrative permissions on the server #>   If ( -NOT ( [ Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal ] [ Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity ]:: GetCurrent()) . IsInRole(`         [ Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole ] “Administrator” ))     {         Write-Warning “You do not have Administrator rights to run this script!`nPlease