
Showing posts from July, 2022

How to move .txt files from one drive to another drive with powershell commands.

The below command will move the .txt files from one drive to another drive. If you want to move .BAK files( SQL Server database backup files) from one drive to another drive in the place of .txt file add .BAK extension. cls $Files = Get-ChildItem ` -Path "D:\Folder1\SubFolder1\Subfolder2" -Recurse -Verbose| Where-Object { $_ .Extension -like '.txt' } $Files | ForEach -Object{ $NewFiles = $_ Move-Item ` -Path "D:\Folder1\SubFolder1\Subfolder2\$NewFiles" ` -Destination "C:\data" ` -Verbose }

Microsoft Cluster Services(MSCS) Cluster Verification Errors.

 I have configured Always On setup between SQL Cluster environment and an individual node which is a part of WSFC but not part of SQL Cluster. Here the SQL Cluster configured between A and B(internally these two also part of WSFC. Because Windows cluster is prerequisite to configure SQL Cluster), and the C is part of WSFC.  I got the below error(second image) when I am trying to install SQL Server instance on one of the windows servers. Work around: We need to Verify the windows cluster setup before we install SQL Server. So once the cluster configuration results pass then we will not see the below error. So validate cluster configuration before you install SQL Server