Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent SERVERA-dbCreator-TranPub_dbCreator-SERVERB-6 failed. The process could not read file 'C:\Replication\unc\SERVERA_DBCREATOR_TRANPUB_DBCREATOR\20170830103552\Subjects_2.pre' due to OS error 3.

Error message: I got this error when i am trying to configure Transnational publication in replication. I have chosen pull subscription while i am configuring Transnational publication Error messages: The process could not read file 'C:\Replication\unc\SERVERA_DBCREATOR_TRANPUB_DBCREATOR\20170830103552\Subjects_2.pre' due to OS error 3. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL20024) Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL20024 The system cannot find the path specified. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL3) Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL3 From Eventviewr: Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent SERVERA-dbCreator-TranPub_dbCreator-SERVERB-6 failed. The process could not read file 'C:\Replication\unc\SERVERA_DBCREATOR_TRANPUB_DBCREATOR\20170830103552\Subjects_2.pre' due to OS error 3. Troubleshooting Step: 1) When i check the snapshot agent status it has run fine. No issues with it 2) When i check log re...