Always On database status is showing as Synchronizing continuously.

Database status showing as "Synchronizing" though Availablity mode is "SynchronousCommit" and Failovermode is "Automatic". If availability mode and Failovermode is as mentioned below AvailabilityMode: "SynchronousCommit" Failover mode: Automatic The database should be in a Synchronized mode instead of Synchronizing. But in one of my client's environment, I saw the situation where all the databases went into Synchronizing state though the availability mode is "Synchronous Commit" and Failover Mode is "Automatic". I check the below points 1) The network is good in both the replicas, both nodes are accessible from one to another But the issue that happened due to LOGFILE OF DATABASES Has grown drastically. This is also caused to the Synchronizing state. So if the issue comes up like this shrink the log file of the database in Primary replica. And if we go through the SQL Server error log we could see the error message like...