Getting SQL Server services info from multiple servers through Powershell

Here the STATE 4 means "RUNNING" 1 Stopped. And the server names should be Windows Server names in which SQL Server instances are installed. cls #SQL Server 2014 $cmt1 = "ComputerManagement12" #sqlserver2016 $cmt2 = "ComputerManagement13" #sqlserver2017 $cmt3 = "ComputerManagement14" #SQL Server 2012 $cmt4 = "ComputerManagement11" #SQL Server 2008/2008 R2 $cmt5 = "ComputerManagement10" #provide only windows server names here $server = @ ( 'SERVER1' , 'SERVER2' , 'SERVER3' ) $server | ForEach -Object{ $singcmpt = $_ cd C : \windows\System32 $CmptMgmt =gwmi -ns 'root\Microsoft\SqlServer' __NAMESPACE -ComputerName $singcmpt | ? { $_ .name -match $cmt1 } |Select Name $CmptMgmt | ForEach -Object{ $singCmptMgmt = $_ if ( $singCmptMgmt = $cmt1 ) { Write-Host "$singcmpt is SQL Server 2014" -Verbose Get-CimInstance -ComputerName $singcmpt -Namespace "root/Microsoft/SqlS...