
The below piece of code from dbatools PowerShell module will insall SQL Server installation.
Install-DbaInstance `
 -SqlInstance RAMESH\UAT `
 -Version "2016" `
 -InstanceName "UAT" `
 -SaCredential "sa" `
 -Feature Default,Tools `
 -InstancePath "D:\RAMESH_UAT\DATA" `
 -DataPath "D:\RAMESH_UAT\DATA" `
 -LogPath "G:\RAMESH_UAT\LOG" `
 -BackupPath "D:\RAMESH_UAT\BACKUP" `
 -AdminAccount "RAMESH\HI" `
 -Port 1433 `
 -ProductID "13.0" `
 -EngineCredential "RAMESH\HI" `
 -AuthenticationMode Mixed `
 -Authentication Default `
 -AgentCredential "RAMESH\HI" `
 -SaveConfiguration "D:\RAMESH_UAT\BACKUP" `
 -Verbose `
 -Path "D:\SoftWares_NEVERDELETE\SQLServer\SQLServer2016Enterprise\SQL_Server_2016_Enterprise x64" `


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