
--Tempdb contention and blocking
EXEC sp_WhoisActive
@sort_order= '[tempdb_current] DESC',
@get_plans= 1,
@Output_Column_List= '[start_time][session_id][sql_text][query_plan][wait_info][temp%]';
EXEC sp_Whoisactive
@sort_order = '[blocked_session_count] DESC',
@get_plans= 1,
@Output_Column_list = '[start_Time][session_id][sql_text][query_plan][wait_info][block%][additional_info]';
EXEC sp_Whoisactive
@get_avg_time = 1,
@Get_outer_Command = 1,
@Get_plans = 1
Valid filter types are: session, program, database, login, host
EXEC sp_whoisactive
@filter_type = 'session',
@filter= 196,
EXEC sp_whoisactive
@filter_type = 'database',
@filter= 'dbnamehere'

@show_sleeping_spids=1 -->Sleeping with Opentran
@show_sleeping_spids=2 pulls all sleeping SPIDs
--If 1, gets the full stored procedure or running batch, when available
--If 0, gets only the actual statement that is currently running in the batch or procedure
@sort_order VARCHAR(500) = '[start_time] ASC'
EXEC sp_whoisactive
@filter_type = 'session',
@get_full_inner_text = 1


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